Saturday, March 16, 2024


Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for Recurrent Left Frontal Astrocytoma WHO G-III.

Case Summary:

40 years male, underwent biopsy of SOL in March 16, 2019 & March 28, 2013 presented with complaints of fits since 2012. Patient received in 33 fractions of RT in 2019  & 6 cycles of Temozolamid in November 2019. On clinical examination middle age man is sitting on chair has no obvious deficit. MRI brain with contrast dated March 03, 2023 shows interval increase in nodular signal & enhancement in left fronto temporo parietal region with heterogeneously enhancing mass in left fronto parietal surgical bed with drop met lesion in left temporal lobe. Histopathology dated March 29, 2023 shows Anaplastic Astrocytoma.G-111. Risks of GKSRS have been explained. Written and valid consent obtained to proceed.

Follow up Comparative Study July 04,2023:

Patient consulted the gamma knife center for the first follow up presented with recent MRI Brain with contrast Dated June 15,2023 shows sizeable reduction in overall bulk of target and peri lesional edema when compared with previous MRI Brain with contrast dated March 03,2023 , consistent with good ongoing control of tumor.