Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for Pituitary Adenoma.
Case Summary:
years male , underwent trans sphenoidal excision of adenoma in March 19, 2022 presented with complaints of progressive
loss of right vision for 1 year & decrease left vision for 1 year. Patient
has no history of chemotherapy and radiation therapy. On clinical examination
middle male is sitting on chair is blind from right eye & left temporal
defect. MRI brain with contrast dated January 06, 2023 shows heterogeneous enhancing
abnormal signal intensity mass lesion seen in sellar & supra sellar region
suggestive of adenoma. Histopathology dated April 05, 2022 shows adenoma.
Perimetry dated January 05, 2023 shows left temporal defect. Hormones profile
within normal range. Risks of GKSRS have been explained. Written and valid
consent obtained to proceed.
Follow up
Comparative Study December 15, 2023:
Patient visited the gamma knife center for follow up presented with recent MRI brain with contrast dated December 14, 2023
shows further regression in the size of tumor from 4.6cc to 3.6 cc when
compared with previous MRI brain with contrast dated July 04, 2023, consistent
with good response to Gamma Knife Therapy.