Monday, September 26, 2011

Cavernous sinus hemangioma, total resolution at 6 months.

Twenty five year old lady with restricted Rt.eye movements towards nasal side,
Drooping of rt. eyelid and mid dilated pupil.

MRI showed 2.7+2.9+3.4 cm homogenously enhancing solid mass just above
 rt. Cavernous sinus in right side of supra sellar cistern abutting anteromedial
Surface of rt. Temporal lobe, undersurface of thalamus and anterior portion of
right temporal lobe, undersurface of thalamus and anterior portion of rt. half of
midbrain, encasing more than 70% of circumference of top of basilar artery,
causing mild mass effect on pituitary stalk and optic chiasm on rt. Side.

6 month post GKRS
12 Gy at 50 % isodose line.
No Ptosis
Still has devation of rt. eyeball.