Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for CA Thyroid with Right Ventricle & Right Parietal Metastases.
Case Summary:
years of female from Dir, CA Thyroid underwent total thyroidectomy in June 23,
2023 presented with the complaints of headache with vomiting for few months,
vertigo for 3 months & numbness in right limbs after surgery. Patient has
no history of radiation & chemotherapy. On clinical examination patient has
no obvious deficit. MRI brain with contrast dated August 12, 2023 shows recurrent
lesion in left lobe of thyroid & metastasis lesions in right parietal lobe
& right lateral ventricle suggestive of brain metastasis. Risks of GKSRS
have been explained. Written and valid consent obtained to proceed.
Follow up
Comparative Study January 13,2024:
Patient consulted the gamma knife center for the first follow up presented with recent MRI brain with contrast dated January 12,2024 shows good resolution of the targeted metastasis, no new growth seen when compared with previous MRI brain with contrast dated August 12, 2023,consistent with good ongoing control of tumor.